Wednesday, December 26, 2012


This was T and I in a parking lot on Christmas Eve. The money was to give our donor for a semen analysis test. The rest of the items were useful too. :-).  We had to leave Xmas eve to meet up with our donor. It really was a great way to spend Christmas!  It will be fun to think that our baby could be made on Christmas!
I think I am hopeful this cycle. A new donor and meeting with our midwife has restored some of my hope and of course the fact that we just gave him 220.00 for a semen analysis. It seems fitting to me that we would get pregnant after we paid for a semen analysis that will be useless to us if we are pregnant. Although it will be beneficial to us if we don't get pregnant this time and if we didn't do it now we would have to wait two weeks and then who knows how long it would take him to get in so we just decided to do it now. It could be the best 220 we've ever wasted! So we are officially in the 2WW. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock
As for  Christmas T and I had a wonderful time with both of our families. We weren't home last christmas and it was so sad.  There  is just nothing that beats a room full of people that you love and that love you! And I was really excited at all the presents we made for people this year. It seems like everyone liked them. T and I are hoping for a new baby in 2013.


Risa said...

2WW for the both of us! Fingers crossed we both get what we want from Christmas! ;)

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